Monthly Archives: June 2022



The volunteers who participated in the Erasmus+ ACTinYOUth educational activity in Rotterdam conducted local theatrical workshops on soft skills enhancement at Connect your City Athens. Want to learn more about the project? Click here


 We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new cooperation partnership for the KA2 project named INTEL! The Kick-off meeting for the INTEL project or in the full title "Intergenerational Pedagogies for Adult Learning" took place the past couple of days here in Nicosia, Cyprus. The consortium had the opportunity to discuss

Education for Labour Market Integration: Training activity in Serbia

Under the European program “ELMI” (2020-1-DE02-KA204-B941E3B5) IASIS NGO participated at the training activity that was held in Nis, Serbia, from the 4th to the 9th of October 2021, for the purpose of presenting local good practices and exchanging experiences. Several study visits were made to private and public organizations, including the Municipality of Bela Palanka,

ELMI C Activity in Athens

➡️ Highlights from the training week of the European funded program "ELMI - Education for Labor Market Integration" (2020-1-DE02-KA204-B941E3B5), which concerns the exchange of good practices in the field of education for the integration of vulnerable social groups in the labor market . During the training week, the partners of the consortium had

DREAMM update

By the end of 2016, approximately 5.2 million refugees and migrants had arrived in Europe, having made perilous voyages from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other war-torn nations. This difficult trip was the end for some. Since 2015, many have died or gone missing, and a rising number of women and unaccompanied children have

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