Project Description
IASIS Day Center has been operating since 2008 and is located in the center of Athens. It is an open service structure for adults who deal with mental health issues and live outside of asylum, either in protected structures (boarding houses, apartments) or living with their families. In the context of community awareness-raising, special seminars and educational programs are held. The ultimate goal of the structure is to act both at the level of psychosocial rehabilitation through various therapeutic programs as well as at the level of prevention and information on Mental Health.
Indicatively, the weekly program of the Day Center includes actions such as:
- Employment of services through various therapeutic and recreational programs which are: physiotherapy, gymnastics, drama therapy, occupational therapy, learning traditional dances, solo or group sessions, outdoor activities (visits to museums, archaeological sites, books, excursions) and medical topics, theater group, singing, organizing events and celebrations and creating constructions through thematic units.
- Promoting employment and integration.
- Prevention and sensitization of the family to the needs of the client.
- Weekly visits by a psychiatrist.
- Daily individualized psychotherapy program by specialized staff.
- Collaborating with a social worker with the interdisciplinary team of the Day Care Center, to find solutions to the social issues that concern each individual.
- Organizing events, workshops to raise community awareness and promote mental health.