Project Description
JOB-U: Job Integration of Young People with Mental Health Issues
Project Number: 2023-3-EL02-KA210-YOU-000179780
- Raise awareness among employers and the general public about the challenges faced by young people with mental health issues in finding and maintaining employment.
- Provide support and resources to young people with mental health issues to help them prepare for and find employment.
- Encourage employers to adopt inclusive policies and practices that support the job integration of young people with mental health issues.
Partner Organisations:
- IASIS (Project Leader)
- Ahora
- Omnia
Target Group:
- Young people with mental health problems
- Employers
- General public
- Local community
- Mental health organizations
Project Results:
- Awareness-raising events
- Training and support
- Inclusive employment policies and practices through Training of HR managers and employers