Project Description

The ambition of the “LOG’IN” project, with Project Number 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080327, is to promote access to inclusive housing for people with disabilities and thus promote their autonomy and the power to act socially. The Project purposes a training program that provides the knowledge and skills necessary for qualified professionals in Europe who can provide answers to people with disabilities in inclusive housing. It therefore concerns carers, including inclusion professionals, shared housing, etc.


This project is built by a consortium of EU countries, involving the following organizations:


The main outputs of the project are:

  1. To develop a guide including a precise mapping of stakeholders and lead the communication activities externally by organizing at least one first local information meeting mobilizing the main players in the sector, with the aim of creating a laboratory for proposals and initiatives.
  2. To develop an online platform, a training support for carers. This platform will be in line with the development of the training content and the reference guides
  3. To create a pedagogical kit (toolbox), in order to provide the online resources with documents and pedagogical techniques and will capitalize on all the information produced for the organization of training content
  4. To provide carers-learners with online access to adapted, concrete, fun and diversified educational resources to support the initiatives they will have to take in the field of training and raising awareness of people with disabilities towards inclusive housing and will thus contribute to an adapted quality of social inclusion.


For more information, you can visit the Project’s official Website on the following link:
