



InterculturAl communiCaTion for social INclusion of YOUng people through THeatre workshops - ACTin'YouTH Project Nr.: 2020-1-NL02-KA227-YOU-003343 . The Erasmus+ KA2 Project “ACTin’YouTH” aims to foster youth workers’ intercultural competences with theatrical methodologies aimed at creating local theatre workshops for the social inclusion of young people with different cultural background at risk of social



The Erasmus+ Project “ACTIVATE-ASPALE” (Activate Social Prescribing for Community Learners) with Project Number 2020-1-UK01-KA204-078954 has as its main goal to be a dynamic adult education project with many educational resources, with the sole purpose of raising awareness, commitment to it and the greatest possible absorption of Social Prescribing throughout Europe. The program is aimed

EnvrironMental Adaptation


"EnvironMental Adaptation" is in line with the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change , in the framework of the Funding Program "NATURAL ENVIRONMENT & INNOVATIVE ACTIONS" "Innovative Actions with Citizens" Green Fund, entitled "EnvironMental Adaptation" in the context of Priority A.1 Climate Change on the Axis A.1.4 Promotion of actions adaptation of vulnerable

You.Ro.Trip – Youth Round Trip for Climate Action


YOUROTRIP . Title: YOUth ROund TRIP for Climate Action Project number: 614827-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-EPPKA3-EU-YTH-TOG . OBJECTIVES - vision and mission YOUROTRIP project aspires to Foster active participation and democratic procedures in decision making through a structured way. Promote the European identity and values, Establish a link between the youth, the local authorities and other relevant

TYCA – The Youth Creative Academy


The European program TYCA-The Youth Creative Academy, with program number 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018680, aims to create a space of cooperation and education between different organizations, with the aim of stimulating cultural awareness and expression of young people, equipping young artists with digital and management skills. The Youth Creative Academy aims to equip artists and individuals working

ARTIVATE Project (Project number: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080200)


ARTIVATE project (Project number: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080200) AIMS to foster the implementation of Art Therapy Based Psychoeducation to support the participation of adults with Learning Disabilities in Adult Education. To this purpose, a multi-stakeholder partnership of seven European entities from France, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Poland, experts in the fields of Art Therapy, Adult Education



The Municipality of Peristeri, the Non-profit Civil Society under the name of IASIS NGO and the EDRA NGO, following the initiative of IASIS NGO and the "A for the People" programme, have joined forces for the implementation of the project entitled "ANAKAMPTO", which concerns the "Housing and Work for the Homeless", of

YOU.PRO.ME – YOUth workers PROmoting MEntal health


The European Erasmus+ KA2 Project “YOU.PRO.ME” (YOUth workers PROmoting MEntal health) with Project Number 2019-2-IT03-KA205-016385, addresses mainly to professionals and organizations, which work with young people with mental health problems. More specifically, the program aims to raise awareness around the issue of young people's mental health and focus on possible prevention measures, which will

Yes We Can!


The European Erasmus+ KA2 Project “Yes We Can!” with Project Number 2019-1-PL01-KA204-065197, is an attempt to enable senior citizens with low ICT literacy to use the existing and new IT tools which will support this target group in their life-long learning process. The main scientific approach, on which the Methodology of the project is based,

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