

We Men


Improving teaching methods in Emotional Intelligence and Gender Equality Training for adult educators through digital solutions -  We Men Project Nr.: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079258 . The Erasmus+ KA2 project "We Men" aims to strengthen the capacity of adult education to address gender inequality in Europe through digital solutions. . As the name suggests, the We



Supporting teachers and youth workers to promote and protect Youth Mental Health at School - YAMH Project Nr.: 2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000032845 . As mentioned by the World Health Organization (WHO): Well-being and a positive mental health status are key aspects of human life. Exposure to adverse experiences and situations in childhood and adolescence can significantly

We Care


Providing access to guidance, training and validation of non-formal learning for migrant women working in care sectors - We Care Project Nr.: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080142 . In Spain and Greece, migrant domestic helpers primarily engaged in domestic work provide informal care to dependents without having the required training for care. In France, since 2010, there

UnitED for Global Goals


The project UnitED for Global Goals (2020-1-FR01-KA202-080248) aims at creating a platform of exchange among the partners who belong to the European Network Tandem Plus to learn and share experiences among operators of VET on the topic of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, especially focusing on the contributing to share knowledge and practice,



A systematised and digitised approach for the reconstitution of community engagement in youth-oriented activities - UComE Project Nr.: 2021-1-NL02-KA220-YOU-000028784 . The European Erasmus+ KA2 Project “#UComE” aspires to reinforce young people’s participation in societal life through the integration and systematization of well-designed digital tools and educational material based on the methodology of community-based



TYCA - The Youth Creative Academy Project Number: 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018680 . The Erasmus+ KA2 Project “The Youth Creative Academy” with project number 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018680, aims to create an оppоrtunity and space fоr cоllabоratiоn between different оrganisatiоns, with the aim to stimulate creativity, cultural awareness and  expressiоn оf yоung peоple, tоgether with equipping yоung artists with



Real-world education to boost climate change adaptation - TAKE IT Project Number: 2019-1-BE01-KA204-050400 . Itaims to create a TrainingGuide, in order to raise awareness about environmental issues within the community.   This training material will be based on tools and methodologies inspired by the principles of Αdult Εducation and Protection of the Environment, in order to enhance those behaviors which will help the individuals to cope with the continuous changes and demands of society.



Objectives It’s a European project developed through a partnership of five different EU countries (France, Spain, Ireland, Greece, Denmark). The project targets adult and their children living in disadvantaged areas and facing problems due to their overexposure to screens. Excessive preoccupation with screens and related devices create physical and psychological disturbances in children’s

Support Me


The European Erasmus+ Project “Support Me” (Supporting practitioners to train migrants in Europe) with Project Number 2019-1-FR 204-062901, aims at providing training organisations with the key knowledge and information they need, in order to work with migrant audiences, leaning on pluri-disciplinary and multi-professional approaches. . The objectives of the project are the following:



ReWrite your story Project Nr.: 2020-1-EL01-KA202-079002 . The Erasmus+ KA2 project ‘’Rewrite your story" aspires create an innovative curriculum accompanied by tools and methodologies about storytelling practices to be applied by caregivers who work with seniors. . The main objectives are to: To arm the caregivers with a handy tool which improves, updates

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