Project Description

The European Erasmus+ Project “Support Me” (Supporting practitioners to train migrants in Europe) with Project Number 2019-1-FR 204-062901, aims at providing training organisations with the key knowledge and information they need, in order to work with migrant audiences, leaning on pluri-disciplinary and multi-professional approaches.


The objectives of the project are the following:

  • Introduction of the professionals of the specific field to a unique Educational Material which will help them to work more effectively with the target audience.
  • Raising awareness about the discrimination immigrants face in society and promoting their social and professional integration.


This project was developed by a partnership of EU countries, in which the following  organizations participate:

  • INSUP FORMATION, France, as the coordinator of the project.
  • AIFRISSS, France.
  • IASIS, Greece.
  • Kinonikes Sineteristikes Drastiriotites Efpathon Omadon, Greece.
  • Programma Integra Societa Cooperativa Sociale, Italy.
  • Bupnet Bildung Undprojekt Netzwerk Gmbh, Germany.


The main activities of the project are:

  1. The construction of a method to support trainers and volunteers who work with migrants & refugees, via the developmend of a holistic Training Guide.
  2. The development of a Website, where all elements of the project can be found online.


For more information, you can visit the link of the Website:
