Projects 2



Title: AGORA VETPro 4.0: Advanced Guidance for Recognition of Opportunities and Attractiveness for VET Professionals 4.0 Project Nr.: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000034880 . Centuries ago, Agoras were the main gathering points for people living in the ancient Greek cities. Now a team of 6 organizations from 6 European countries gather to build an Agora of the



InterculturAl communiCaTion for social INclusion of YOUng people through THeatre workshops - ACTin'YouTH Project Nr.: 2020-1-NL02-KA227-YOU-003343 . The Erasmus+ KA2 Project “ACTin’YouTH” aims to foster youth workers’ intercultural competences with theatrical methodologies aimed at creating local theatre workshops for the social inclusion of young people with different cultural background at risk of social



The Erasmus+ Project “ACTIVATE-ASPALE” (Activate Social Prescribing for Community Learners) with Project Number 2020-1-UK01-KA204-078954 has as its main goal to be a dynamic adult education project with many educational resources, with the sole purpose of raising awareness, commitment to it and the greatest possible absorption of Social Prescribing throughout Europe. The program is aimed

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